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If we talk about the financial services it is the branches of different banking like – financial advice, insurance, investment. The financial services provided by the financial industry are the economic services, which encircle a high range of businesses that lead money including credit-cards companies, banks, credit-unions, accountancy companies, insurance companies, consumer-finance companies, stock brokerages, investments funds, government enterprises and many more.
● In the financial system it maintains public confidence.
● Make easy the cautions of financial crimes.
● Increase the development of the financial service sector.
Types of financial services we provide to our customers:1. Capital market services
2. Money market services
3. Retail services4. Wholesale services
5. Fund based servicesYOU CAN ASK FOR MORE SERVICES LIKE:Insurance services-
● Health insurance
● Life insurance
● Vehicle insurance
● Property insurance
● Stock insurance and more.Investment for real estate-
● House
● Flats
● Land
● Shop
● BungalowDifferent loans-
● Personal loan
● Home loan
● Business loanWe value our customers by looking at their needs and wants in a suitable manner which helps them to grow their business and earn profit . We provide:● Huge product range
● Overdraft facility available
● Interest calculation on daily reducing balance
● No hidden costs● Low processing fees
● Low interest rates
● No prepayment penaltyENQUIRY PROCESS:
1. Enquiry is generated by the customers through portal
2. Customer can request for the services which he want
3. After these two above processes, customers have to submit the registration details.
Admin and supervisor dashboard: This helps you to align the task to any person and to remove tasks from the specific person. It helps us to know how much work is completed in a given period of time so that we can achieve our goals in a proper way.
Roles of Admin and supervisor:
● The authority of choosing the supervisor and other employees depends upon the admin.
● The employees are registered by the supervisor.
● Every role of this portal can activate and block their below level designation user except employee.
● And the rest all have the power to register clients directly from the portal.
● The creation of service and service status and also their updation, deletion is controlled by the authority of admin and supervisor.
● Employees for clients are assigned by the admin and supervisor.
Client listing report: This work is controlled by the admin and supervisor. Only the admin and supervisor has the authority to create clients list report rest no other person can have access to.
Enquiry list: This helps us to let us know about the enquiry. We come to know how much enquiry has been generated in a particular period of time.
Employee role:
● The registration process of the client is accessed by employees. He manages the update, edit, and continuation registration process in which phase they quit.
● He can also register enquiry as a client or reject it.
● The service status of client is in the hand of employee, heudate service status of client which is assigned to him.
Clients dashboard: From their own account, clients can see their registration details at any time they want to. They can also print their registration details if they want to keep things in a proper and aligned way.
We are always there to provide you with the best financial products which will help you to grow your business in an easy and effective way. Our company will provide you the best way and offer you the best solutions for any of your queries.

  • Many attractive themes.
  • Get monitoring on your sales performance.
  • Detailed stats of your visits
  • Get more business engagement through ease of our smart features.
  • Go green. Support ecosystem.

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